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We celebrate a successful Philadelphia Convention.

AFSCME President Lee Saunders recapped the successes of the 45th AFSCME International Convention on Friday.

On the last day of our 45th International Convention, held this week in Philadelphia four years after the last face-to-face Convention, Saunders bid farewell to the more than 2,000 attendees with a stirring speech, and shared a video highlighting the week’s events.

Saunders closed the proceedings with the message that hard work lies ahead.

“I’m asking you to take everything you’ve learned this week and bring it home with you. I’m asking you to take the energy and inspiration in this room and take it back to your locals. I’m asking you to be louder, to dig deeper, to fight harder,” he said. “I’m asking you to kick the Mean Green Machine into overdrive. I’m asking you to march out of here and recommit to building, growing and strengthening our union.”

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